Putre is located 130km from the city of Arica at an altitude of 3.500m above sea level. About 1.300 people live in the village. The main points of interest are the impressive mountains, beautiful volcanoes and the traditional villages that seem as if time stands still. Putre is a great spot to get used to the altitude and to discover the most scenic spots of the Altiplano.

Terrace Lodge is located at the entrance of the village Putre, in walking distance to the main square, the old church and some typical local restaurants.

How to get to the Putre Hotel Terrace Lodge | Terrace Lodge & Tours, Putre, Arica y Parinacota, Chile

By Plane (Santiago – Arica – Putre)

There are daily flights from Santiago to Arica. Please check for the times based on your travel dates. From Arica, you have to continue by bus or car.

By Car (Arica – Putre)

Depart from Arica using the international route 11-CH. The street is completely paved and takes you directly to Putre (exit 5kms, before the village). The drive takes about two and a half hours approximately.

By Bus (Arica – Putre)

From Arica, buses leave to Putre every day. At the bus terminal, the company “La Paloma” leaves daily at 07:00am. Another option is to get on at Av. Esteban Rios #2140, where the company “Gutierrez” departs every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 06:30am.

By International Long-Distance Bus (Stop at Alto de Putre)

The route 11-CH is taken by many long-distance buses that travel from Arica in Chile to La Paz in Bolivia and back. The bus does not enter the villages, this is why you have to get off at the “Alto de Putre”. As there is no public transport from the Alto to the village, Terrace Lodge offers transfer services for our clients. Please remember to inform us in advance about your arrival time.

With Us

We happily offer private transfers from Arica to Putre and back. Please contact us for further details and the coordination of your transport.

See you soon!