Tours Putre Altiplano Chile Hote Terrace Lodge

It Is a Trap!

It is a trap connected to a camera: It is a Camera Trap.  Thanks to these camera traps we can see some of the rare and shy mammals that live here.

Some members of Alianza Gato Andino (Andean Cat Alliance) have just left Terrace Lodge after four days spent in the area of Lauca Park.  Probably, right now, a puma or an Andean cat are attracted by the smell of the urine left in front of a camera trap. Some infrared sensors, activated at the passage of the animal, will trigger the camera.

Aliazan Gato Andino - Members of the Andean Cat Alliance at Terrace Lodge & Tours, Putre, Arica y Parinacota, Chile
Terrace Lodge and members of Alianza Gato Andino.

It is not the first time that some camera traps are positioned by Alianza Gato Andino. Some images are now in the “photos” page.  Under “Photosets” choose Andean Cat Alliance. The set includes the covers of two new books, “Field Guide To The Mammals Of Chile” and “Mamíferos de Chile”, written by biologist Agustin Iriarte Walton (far right in the photo).

Let’s wait a few weeks.  The results will be in our news.